Navigating Diversity: Insights from the Global Education Student Experience Survey

In the realm of global education, fostering inclusivity and support for students from diverse backgrounds is paramount. This article explores findings from Diversity Abroad's Global Education Student Experience Survey (Fall 2022), revealing challenges faced by students abroad. Notably, over half felt stereotyped and isolated, emphasizing the urgency to address cultural confrontations. The article aligns these insights with the Fall 2023 Global Impact Exchange's thematic areas and proposes strategies for enhancing global programming. Recommendations include pre-departure training, reflective activities, and mechanisms to address discrimination. Emphasizing the transformative potential of cultural exchange, the article advocates for sharing success stories to inspire positive change in international education practices.


  • Lily Lopez-McGee | Diversity Abroad
In the expanding landscape of global education, fostering an inclusive and supportive environment for all students is crucial. Diversity Abroad's Global Education Student Experience Survey conducted in Fall 2022 sheds light on the challenges faced by students from diverse backgrounds during their international education journey. This article connects the thematic areas of the Fall 2023 Global Impact Exchange to key findings identified in the survey, and outlines strategies to enhance students’ experiences on global programming.

Cultural Confrontations and Misunderstandings

One striking finding from the survey is that over half of the respondents felt stereotyped and isolated while overseas. These instances highlight the need to address cultural confrontations and misunderstandings. It is imperative to investigate why discrimination and intolerance arise due to differences in cultural norms, values, and expectations.

Graph of agreement level statements related to student concerns prior to their education abroad experience

Recommendations: Institutions can implement pre-departure training to equip students with the tools to navigate diverse environments, engage with cultural differences within the local community and within their peer group, and engage with uncomfortable or difficult situations to build resiliency and better understand different perspectives. Global programs can also integrate reflective activities into the programming to ensure that students can unpack experiences as they happen and program staff can respond to potential challenges more effectively.

Cultivating Safe Spaces and Support Systems

Creating safe spaces and support systems is vital in addressing the challenges faced by students abroad. The survey indicates the need for robust mechanisms for reporting incidents of discrimination, harassment, or intolerance.

Recommendation: Institutions should prioritize establishing reporting mechanisms, support networks, and training for staff and students on responding to concerns about or negative interactions that involve discrimination, hostility, or harassment based on a student’s identity. It is particularly important to ensure staff and faculty offer opportunities for students to communicate their concerns using different modes of communication such as group discussions, one-on-one advising, or written feedback throughout their program and not just at the end. This will empower individuals to report incidents and ensure a safer and more inclusive environment.

Transformative Potential of Cultural Exchange

Despite the challenges highlighted, the survey also underscores the transformative potential of cultural exchange. Sharing successes and examples of initiatives that have successfully addressed student concerns, built bridges across cultures, and promoted mutual understanding are key to inspiring change.

Graph of agreement level statements related to students sense of positive growth from education abroad experience

Recommendation: Institutions should share stories of students and programs that have successfully navigated or responded to otherwise challenging circumstances, providing inspiration and guidance for future programs.

The findings from the Diversity Abroad's Global Education Student Experience Survey offer an important insight for practitioners in international education. By addressing cultural confrontations, power dynamics, cultivating safe spaces, and leveraging the transformative potential of cultural exchange, institutions and providers can ensure a positive and successful global experience for all students.

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