2022 Global Education Experience Student Survey

Publish date: May 2023

We are excited to announce the release of the latest results from Diversity Abroad's Global Education Experience Student Survey! This survey provides a wealth of information about the diverse experiences of students who have studied abroad and offers valuable insights for practitioners in the field. The full survey report with identity specific insights will be available to Diversity Abroad members later this summer.

The survey was conducted in Fall 2022 and gathered data from a diverse range of students, including those from underrepresented backgrounds, LGBTQ+ students, students with disabilities, and students from low-income households. The survey findings demonstrate the importance of providing targeted support to students with diverse identities in the following areas: education abroad program selection, on-site support, and re-entry home. The data shows that these students often face unique challenges and require tailored support to ensure that they have a positive and successful global experience.

Some of the key findings from the survey include:

  • Over half of the respondents felt stereotyped and isolated while overseas.
  • Program cost and program being cancelled due to COVID travel restrictions were the biggest concerns for the students.
  • The majority indicated they had access to resources about identities before going abroad, and in a subsequent question over half did not think their identity would be a factor prior to enrolling in their program.
  • Many students experienced multiple layers of marginalization on-site and their experiences were largely influenced by the intersection of their identities.

By doing so, we can help ensure that all students have access to the transformative experience of studying abroad, regardless of their backgrounds or identities.We hope that the findings from the Diversity Abroad's Global Education Experience Student Survey will be useful to you in your work and that you will find ways to incorporate this valuable information into your practice.

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