The Global Student Leadership Summit

The Global Student Leadership Summit (GSLS) is the premier student leadership conference that prepares participants with inclusive leadership skills and global competencies so that they can thrive in their communities and on globally diverse campuses and work teams. This will be the 9th annual GSLS, which attracts dozens of students from colleges and universities nationwide with a simple goal: to develop the skills essential to being a successful and inclusive leader in a global society.

This year’s Global Student Leadership Summit will be held in-person in Washington, DC from October 30 - November 1, 2024. Students will participate in leadership sessions, engage in critical dialogue centered on self-reflection and identity, establish and maintain relationships with like-minded student leaders, and connect with professionals from higher education, the public sphere, and private sector. Participation in the GSLS will strengthen students’ leadership skills and develop global competencies including self-awareness, communication, team building, embracing diversity and difference, and more. 

The 2024 Global Student Leadership Summit is an immersive opportunity for emerging leaders from all backgrounds to participate in professional development workshops to enhance their career readiness by learning how to articulate and leverage their international experience for career and graduate opportunities. Students will share their global learning experiences with education abroad and diversity professionals in attendance at the conference and discover new career possibilities that would benefit from their global experiences through sponsored panels and information sessions. At the same time, GSLS participants will develop awareness of diversity and inclusion especially as it relates to leadership in a global society and consider solutions to global issues through workshops and case studies. Through networking and community-building activities, students will experience meaningful interactions with student leaders from a variety of different colleges and universities.

  • Empower student leaders to realize the skills necessary to make an impact on their campuses and in their career.
  • Enrich student understanding of international experience through critical reflection and structured engagement on topics such as identity, social justice, inclusion and access, and leadership
  • Encourage students to network with other student leaders and professionals and explore ways to apply their international experience to various career, post-graduate, and academic opportunities
  • Energize students to harness their global experiences to make real change on their campus, in their communities and in the world

The Global Leadership Summit is intended for undergraduate and recently graduated students who are interested in developing their skills are global leaders and engaging with their community in order to create impactful change.


Registration for the 2024 Global Student Leadership Summit is open.

Registration for the Global Student Leadership Summit is open. Institutions are able to nominate and purchase registrations for their students and students are welcome to purchase their own full access registration independent of an institution. Registration fees differ for participants from a member or non-member institution (see table below). If you are unsure if your institution is a Diversity Abroad member, please contact us or check out a list of our members here. Please note that accommodation and travel costs is not included in registration fees and participants will be responsible for their own costs. Participants may take advantage of the special nightly rate at the Mayflower Hotel by booking through our booking link.

Full Access Pass

If you know that GSLS 24 is an event that you won't be missing or you are certain you will be sending students to GSLS 24 secure your full access pass now! Pay the registration in full and rest easy knowing that your student will be maximizing their leadership skills at GSLS 24 in Washington, DC!

If you have any questions or concerns about conference registration, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Early Bird Registration (May - September 2, 2024)                  Regular Registration (September 3 - October 13, 2024)  Late Registration (October 14 - October 29)
 Members: $199  Members: $249  Members: $299
 Non-Members: $349  Non-members: $399  Non-Members: $449


If you are a part of a member organization, but do not see the member rate when you try to purchase a registration, please send us an email to [email protected]. You can check our list of current member institutions here to see if your institution is listed.

Scholarships to cover the registration costs for the Global Student Leadership Summit are available and the application will be opening soon. Please note that this scholarship covers full registration for the conference program. This scholarship does not include lodging or travel stipends. If you have any questions regarding the scholarship application, please reach out to our team at [email protected].

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